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http://www.0731fdc.com  2005年11月17日   搜房网

  To raise public awareness on the issue of the preservation of each city’s original identity 唤起公众共同保护每座城市固有特色文化的意识

  To seek a better balance of tomorrow cities with their old and new culture and developments在今后的城市建设发展中, 寻求出新老文化和风格的平衡

  To encourage architects, city planners, architectural students, developers and other related professional talents to take the challenge of designing new Beijing with care of its cultural identities 鼓励建筑师, 城市规划师, 建筑学学生, 开发商以及其他相关专业人才, 把中国的新城市建设成一个有文化底韵和特色的城市

  Facing the challenge, to reduce the damage of historical sites & preserved area with high speed of modernization在快速的现代化城市建设中, 面对挑战, 力争把对老城和古迹的破坏减少到最低

  To realize a cultural sustainable development and the continuation of human civilization, we need to pay more attention to inhabitants who are either facing the change of relocation or still living in the old urban area and to keep the memory alive for those who moved out of the old area & living in the new buildings为了可持续的人类文明和文化的发展, 我们需要关注老城的居民和拆迁居民的生活境况, 建设新社区里的人文环境, 让中国传统文化艺术在现代的都市中得到保护和生存

  To understand that the effort of conservation of Old cities is the great contribution to world heritage protection of saving the treasures of mankind 对旧城的关怀和保护所进行的努力,将是我们为世界文化遗产和人类财富保护所做的重大的贡献

发表评论】 【推荐给朋友】【关闭窗口
· 观点·观念 (2005-11-17)
· 展览主题 (2005-11-17)
· 活动定位 (2005-11-17)
· 活动宗旨 (2005-11-17)
· 活动主要内容 (2005-11-17)
· 缘起于居住改变中国 (2005-11-17)
· “2005居住改变中国”现场直播 (2005-11-17)
· 活动嘉宾介绍(二) (2005-11-17)
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